3nd International Congress On Food Technology

Ankara ÜniversitesiGıda Teknoloji DerneğiTürkiye


The Association of Food Technology

About Association

The Association of Food Technology was founded on July 8, 1973. The names of the founder members of the Association are given below:
Prof. Arif V. AKMAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Turgut YAZICIOĞLU; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. M. Hilmi PAMİR; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. İsmet TÜRKER; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Ömer L. GÜRSES; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. R. Kemal GÖKÇE; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Zühtü YÖNEY; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Tunay DURGUN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Mustafa METİN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Işıl FİDAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Muazzez ERALP; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Nesrin KAPTAN; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Mustafa ÜÇÜNCÜ; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture
Mehmet AYDIN; Ministry of Agriculture, General Officer of Food Affairs
M. Sc. Lütfü ÇAKMAKÇI; Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture

The Association of Food Technology is managed pursuant to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Please click here for the brief history of the Association.

The purpose of the Association is to enable concerning scientists to share scientific developments obtained in various fields of food science and technology by the help of Journal of Food Science which is the media organ, and congresses.

23nd Period Directorate and Control Commissions were elected in General Board Meeting on Jan 27, 2015. According to this:

Directorate Commission:

President; Prof. A. Kadir HALKMAN, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Vice-President; Prof. Nevzat ARTIK, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Secretary; Research Assistant Onur KETENOĞLU, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Accounting Officer; Research Assistant Naciye KUTLU, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Publication Director; Prof. İbrahim ÇAKIR, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Food Engineering Department
Training and Publicity Director; Petek ATAMAN, Former President of TMMOB
Foreign Affairs Representative; Assoc. Prof. Birce TABAN, Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Dairy Technology Department

The Control Commission:

Prof. Y. Sedat VELİOĞLU, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
Prof. Aziz TEKİN, Ankara University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department
İsmail MERT, General Secretary, ASÜD.

The Association Regulation was modified unanimously in this Ordinary General Assembly. Please click here for the New Regulation of the Association of Food Technology.

The Association started publishing the Journal which is called “FOOD” in 1976. This journal has been maintaining its publication life by releasing 6 issues every year.

The Journal of FOOD is the first journal in the field of food science and technology in Turkey. Nowadays although there are various journals about food, the Journal of FOOD has still been the only academic journal thoroughly.

The Association of Food Technology held the 1st National Food Congress in Ankara in 1978 and 11th National Food Congress in Edirne in 2016. These congresses, which are among Turkey's most broad-participated congresses, have gathered all scientists who are, directly or indirectly, concerned about food in the same platform. Although the number of participants of the 9th (Bolu) and 10th (Erzurum) National Congresses are approximately 400 and 450, respectively, it was more then 600 in the 11th Hatay (www.gidakongresi2012.org) and 12th Edirne (www.gidakongresi2016.org) congress.

The Association held an international food congress, jointly by Akdeniz University between November 3rd and November 6th in 2010 (www.intfoodtechno2010.org). Our 2nd international congress (www.intfoodtechno2014.org) which was held between November 5-7, 2014 in Kuşadası.

On our web site, all Journal of FOOD articles starting from the 1st issue of the 1st Volume of the year 1976 when the journal started to be published till today. In addition to this, the articles which are ready for printing by passing the all stages are published in electronic form.

We appreciate the people who directly or indirectly help us come to this point and contribute us.

Best Regards,

The Association of Food Technology
February, 2017

Media Partnership : Media Partnership